Massage and Physiotherapy
As a physiotherapist and masseur, after gaining professional experience in Romania and abroad too, and wanting to bring spa therapies into a space where clients can feel fully relaxed and at ease, I brought the best of both worlds into a cozy, comfortable massage studio.
Our services include: relaxation massage, therapeutic massage for muscle relief, anti-cellulite massage and spa-like body treatments.
Physiotherapy and Kinesiology - Bachelors Degree (2010-2013)
Graduate of the Physiotherapy and Kinesiology department, College of Physical Education and Winter Sports, of Transylvania University, Brasov.
Management of Formal and Nonformal Activities and of Health Recuperation - Masters Degree (2015-2017)
Through the management of physical exercises during health recuperation process I've developed hands-on kinesiology skills, of prevention and mending, as well as communication skills to navigate and improve my patients health state.